Showing posts with label Stephanie Ohnmacht. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stephanie Ohnmacht. Show all posts

UNDER THE GUNN.....Nick's Take: Episode 6 "Pompeii Team Challenge", My Inside Dish!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Nick Verreos, Getty Villa/J. Paul Getty Museum, Pacific Palisades California--Episode 6 "Pompeii Team Challenge" Project Runway: Under The Gunn

This past week's episode of Lifetime's "Project Runway: Under the Gunn" was the dreaded TEAM CHALLENGE. We're almost halfway through the season and it made sense since each mentor's team of designers were now "even-steven", i.e. three in each. The Challenge was to create a 3-look "mini collection" inspired by the new film...


...and the surroundings of the Getty Villa/J. Paul Getty Museum in Pacific Palisades:

Gorgeous Pool: Mentors (left to right) Mondo Guerra, Nick Verreos and Anya Ayoung-Chee--Getty Villa/J. Paul Getty Museum--Episode 6 "Pompeii Team Challenge" Project Runway: Under The Gunn

This was my first time ever at the Getty Villa and I was enchanted by the surroundings, and trying to take pictures while we had a break from filming:

Courtyard, Getty Villa/J. Paul Getty Museum

Marbled floors and columns, Getty Villa/J. Paul Getty Museum

Detailed Ceiling: Getty Villa/J. Paul Getty Museum entrance

And now, onto my "Nick's Take"/Inside Dish of the Episode:

-Coming off of last week's episode (it had actually occurred the day before),
and all the Isabelle DRAMA, the first thing I wanted to do was make sure to
"clear the air" and apologize to Isabelle, direct to camera, for adding
my "two cents" when Tim Gunn asked if I had anything to say. At the
time, I was in such a hurricane of emotions (as I stated in my last
"Nick's Take" HERE) that I just wanted to add a period, as it were, to it all.
In hindsight, it wasn't necessary. 

in the beginning of this new challenge, I wanted to make sure to tell
my designers before they even began sketching that I apologized to them
for having to see their mentor do that to Isabelle and hoped that they
wouldn't come to any conclusions that I would do the same to them.
Isabelle was a "very special" case and luckily for me--and them--there
weren't any more "Isabelle's" on our team. All this occurred off-camera.

Team Nick: (L to R) Designers Stephanie Ohnmacht, Natalia Fedner, Oscar Garcia-Lopez and mentor Nick Verreos--Episode 6 "Pompeii Team Challenge" Project Runway: Under The Gunn

-After we got that out of the way, we had a group hug and began caucusing. To inspire them, I tried to tell them about the city of Pompeii (which I had visited years ago) as well as the glorious surroundings of the Amalfi Coast nearby. I suggested they focus on the beauty before the destruction (of Pompeii). I could tell from the start that all the designers were feeling down and defeated after the whole Isabelle situation. 

-There was also a feeling in the air that we--Team Nick and the designers--were the "Bad News Bears"/the weakest of "Under The Gunn". It made me depressed as well, so I could understand  how Oscar felt. But I figured, now that Isabelle is gone, it's a BRAND NEW DAY. However, the morale was low. 

--It also didn't help that almost EVERY challenge--after Mood trips--Tim always came to the Mentors Lounge--and said "Anya, Mondo, your designers are doing GRRRREAT!"...and "Nick....well, Good Luck Darling! Your designers are a MESS!". This didn't help matters, for sure. It made Anya and Mondo smile but I felt nervous and challenged.

Troubled Threesome: (L to R) Oscar Garcia-Lopez, Stephanie Ohnmacht and Natalia Fedner--Episode 6 "Pompeii Team Challenge" Project Runway: Under The Gunn

-Oscar sensed that both Natalia and Stephanie were not on their "A" game and decided to take charge. It was obvious that he would do the "last" look since Oscar is about drama and if anyone could do a "wow" it would be him. But then where would Stephanie and Natalia fit in? 

-What you saw during my Workroom Visit was the tension of them not coming together and I think their fear of failure. After a bit of "Workroom Therapy", They finally realized that they needed to unite and solve their design problems in order to create a cohesive collection. Instead of isolating himself from the group, Oscar took control and became the "Big Daddy" and wisely so.

 Oscar The Helper: Oscar Garcia-Lopez and Natalia Fedner--Episode 6 "Pompeii Team Challenge" Project Runway: Under The Gunn

Naturally, Oscar was already done with his stunning "Gladiator Princess" look very early on, and so he began helping Natalia, making sure the team was on track to being a success.

Runway Time:

Judges (L to R) stylist Jen Rade, Marie Claire editor Zanna Roberts Rassi, designer Rachel Roy and "Pompeii" Costume Designer Wendy Partridge--Episode 6 "Pompeii Team Challenge" Project Runway: Under The Gunn

Oscar Garcia-Lopez: Simply stunning and oh-so-chic. This was a perfect modern interpretation of an upper class aristocratic, fashion-savvy woman living in Pompeii. I especially loved the back cape that hinted at the Gladiator's capes of the time. Oscar doubled the ENTIRE ensemble, which was a creme colored crepe, and finished it to perfection.

Braid Fab: And by the way, Gregory Patterson (above) and his Blow Pro team did a FABULOUS job on the hairstyles and those braids! Love ya Gregory and Blow Pro!

Natalia Fedner: Originally, Natalia wanted to hand-weave some silk chiffon and create some sort of a mini dress. I didn't agree with her weaving since it came out of nowhere and looked a bit wonky and unfinished. It took some time to convince her to "save her weaving technique for another day and challenge" but she did. I commend her for being a team player and I think the end product was a stunner! This floaty and ethereal dress was gorgeous.

Stephanie Ohnmacht: Originally Stephanie wanted to do big, wide palazzo pants in that printed chiffon. But after everyone decided that Natalia's design would be long and floaty, we all figured that having too long floaty styles would be repetitive so that's how the romper came to fruition. Here's another "Inside Dish": Stephanie wanted to sew that back "mini cape" onto the waist of the shorts; in other words, this wasn't going to be a cape at all, just an over piece in the back. I suggested that in order to give a "hint" of Oscar's Gladiator Princess cape in his final look, she should leave it out, loose. I'm glad she did.

Amalfi Coast Girls: A perfect mini-collection, inspired by Getty Villa and "Pompeii"--and the Winner Is...

Nick's Team!

OMG!!! Look at our reactions--I think our screams of joy almost gave Tim Gunn--and the judges--a heart attack! And I felt as if I just gave birth to a baby after 24 hours of labor!

Congratulations to my designers, well done! After so many weeks of feeling like the "Bad News Bears", this was a welcomed nice feeling.

And...Congratulations to Oscar who was the challenge winner for that gorgeous creme caped pant ensemble. Felicitaciones!

UNDER THE GUNN.....Nick's Take: Episode 3 "Red Carpet Showdown", My Inside DISH!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Comin' Around The Corner: Starline Hollywood Double-Decker Tour Bus pulling up in Downtown L.A. getting ready for the "Under The Gunn" Hollywood tour--"Under The Gunn" Episode 3 Lifetime TV

This week on Lifetime's "Under the Gunn"....the contestants face their FIRST
Challenge after we, the Mentors, picked our four designers, in other
words now the competition REALLY can begin. Being that we were in Los
Angeles, it was only inevitable that the first challenge was to create a look for the Red Carpet.

 Waiting for the Tour Bus: (left to right) Mentors Mondo Guerra, Nick Verreos, Anya Ayoung-Chee--"Under The Gunn" Episode 3 Lifetime TV

I was really excited about this challenge, as a mentor. And after coming off the "designer picking process" and feeling a bit rejected, I was excited because I thought "this was right up my alley". In retrospect, my "Hands On" approach was probably me over-compensating and trying to prove to my designers (and myself) that I was a worthy mentor. And, I also should have known, that the minute I said that "I have this 'in the bag'" on camera is the minute I was going to be in trouble!

On The Bus: "Under the Gunn" designers and mentors (and Tim Gunn!) headed for the Hollywood Tour--designer Shan Keith Oliver (second row, left) is NOT trying to hear it by the way--LOL!)

Let's get to my inside dish "Nick's Take" on the Episode...

As I said before, this was THE FIRST "actual"
challenge-- not only for the designers but for us the Mentors. This
was going to be a test of sorts on how I should mentor for the first
time. Since I had no other guide on what I should do--mentoring-wise--I
went to my "Instructor Nick" mode when I taught at FIDM in my draping,
sewing, sketching and pattern classes. This began right away during the
bus ride when the designers were given their "sketching time".

 Tim Is Worried: Tim Gunn and Nick Verreos--Workroom Visits "Under the Gunn" Episode 3 Lifetime TV

HANDS OFF, NICK!: Instead of letting them just sketch alone on
their own, I sat by them and began giving them suggestions and in fact
sketching for them. Now, some of the designers did ask me for
suggestions, since they knew I had knowledge in this "department" of red
carpet dressing. In hindsight, now I realize I should have just let
them figure it out on their own and I shouldn't have been so hand's on.
Then, after the sketching and designers went fabric shopping, I
made my visit to the workroom--along with Tim--and my "hand's on/Instructor Nick"
approach unfortunately continued. This was primarily focused on two of
my designers--Natalia and Stephanie. They were the only ones asking me
questions, asking for my help, etc., and I LOVED giving them my help
(Oscar and Isabelle were on  their own and self-sufficient, for the most part).

Nick On The Floor: Nick Verreos helping Natalia with her gown pattern--"Under The Gunn" Episode 3 Lifetime TV

It all came to a crescendo when...Natalia had run out into the workroom hallway/lounge area asking me for help with her gown pattern and I found myself ON THE FLOOR truing her pattern/fixing a seam line. Tim, then ran to us and began (correctly so) yelling at me wondering WHAT THE HECK I was doing??!! It was not until then that a BIG ROCK hit me: What the heck was I doing??!! I completely lost myself in going back to being "Instructor Nick" and forgotten that these designers were NOT my students and realized that none of the other mentors were sketching and/or making patterns/draping for their designers and more importantly Tim would NEVER do any of those things either (Stupid me!). It was too late for me to realize that this manner of "mentoring" was not the right way and if it wasn't for Tim, I might have just kept on doing it (Thank You Tim). Again, I really thought I was helping my designers, but I wasn't.

Watch Tim tell me "HANDS OFF!" HERE...

The Runway:

Tim Gunn and Judges (left to right) stylist Jen Rade, Marie Claire Fashion Editor Zanna Roberts Rassi and designer Rachel Roy--"Under the Gunn" Episode 3 Lifetime TV

Designers and Mentor: Mentor Nick Verreos with designers (clockwise from top) Isabelle Donola Oscar Gracia-Lopez,  Stephanie
Ohnmacht and Natalia Fedner--"Under The Gunn" Episode 3 Lifetime TV

Here are the looks from my Designers...

Isabelle Donola: Isabelle created a very fitted dress from a golden hued silk shantung. The dress featured a draped cowl front and mesh-like back.

Inside Dish--Isabelle had originally made the dress to be LONG but it ended up being TOO SHORT, she then added a piece at the bottom hem (to make it floor length). When I saw what she had done, I told her that the judges might see that and notice it as a mistake. I suggested that she should do away with that piece and just make the dress "tea-length"--below-the-knee cocktail. And she did, and I think the look was quite chic.

Natalia Fedner: Natalia's gown was of silk charmeuse--a fabric Natalia said she loved using in her own line and that it's one of her "signatures". The gown was one shoulder with gold straps.

Inside Dish: This is the dress that I was ON THE FLOOR trying to help Natalia with. Originally, however, this gown was going to have those gold straps and a gold piece in the front but both Tim and I suggested that under the time constraints, this might be too much work for her. She therefore kept it simple and made it a clean one shoulder plain front with asymmetrical side pleating.

Oscar Garcia-Lopez: I loved Oscar's hunter green gown. This was perfectly made and VERY red carpet. I thought that he would be on top.

Inside Dish: Oscar was done waaaaay before any of the other designers. In fact he had so much time, he began cleaning and sweeping the workroom as a result (bless his heart!). Also, this gown was going to have a keyhole front opening AND he wanted to add a BIG BOW at the back--right on her bootie, as well as give her a TURBAN and long gloves. Not kidding. I suggested that it might be "too mucheey" and to keep it simple. He did and it looked gorgeous.

Stephanie Ohnmacht: Stephanie created a strapless dress with this green taffeta.

Inside Dish: Two things happened to Stephanie that weren't good: her fabric choice and the fact that I tried to help. The concept of the design and dress was sweet--she was going for a dress for the young "Hollywood" girl but it ended up looking prom-a-licious. She wanted to do some interesting diagonal draping and make the dress not have side seams yet still achieve a fuller shape. And even with my "Too Hands-On" help (which didn't really help) the dress looked tortured. Seeing the dress on the runway really also brought it home to me to try and stay HANDS OFF. I was sure that my Stephanie would be going home. But she didn't! (thank goodness).

Out: Who did go home was Camilla Castillo. I actually LIKED this dress; it was simple, modern and a little bit "Raf Simons for Dior". I even liked the origami-like folding in the back. The dress, however, was a little too see-through in the front and the fabric was wrinkled. Camilla also made lots of excuses on the runway/judging which I think the judges did not like. She went home.

The Best: (left to right) Designers Blake Smith (Anya's designer) and Sam Donovan (Mondo's) were the two best looks and rightly so. I loved these two designs and for being such polar opposites of what could be deemed as a "red carpet" look. One was a beautifully constructed va-va-voom of a gown (Blake's) and Sam's was a young, directional-looking jumpsuit for an up-and-coming Hollywood ingenue "It" girl. Sam won and Congrats to him!

Click HERE to watch Tim's take on the Episode and talk about my TOO HANDS ON approach (Oyyy Vey!)

UNDER THE GUNN.....Nick's Take: Episode 2 The Mentor Face Off

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Mentors...Tim Gunn and "Under The Gunn" Mentors (left to right) Mondo Guerra, Anya Ayoung-Chee and Nick Verreos--"Under The Gunn" Lifetime Network

Hello Everyone! Hope you enjoyed Episode 2 of  Lifetime's "Under The Gunn"! It's been very interesting--to say the least--watching the episodes--and going through the whole "rejection" process. All. Over. Again. Before I get to my "Nick's Take" on the episode, let's recap the premise of the episode. Last week, we, the mentors, had to chose designers for our "teams" out of the first group of eight designers. This week, it was time to do it all over again--from the remaining seven.

 Run for Your Fabric Lives: Designers run to grab their fabrics--"Under The Gunn" Episode  2, FIDM Grand Hope Park, Downtown L.A.

The designers' challenge was to grab as much fabric from Mood Fabrics bins that were placed outside of the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising/FIDM campus in the middle of Grand Hope Park in Downtown L.A. Then, they headed back to the workroom to crate a look that "best represented who they were as a designer".

 Mentor Selfie: Mondo Guerra, Nick Verreos and Anya Ayoung-Chee

Chartreuse Mentor:  Nick Verreos--"Under The Gunn" Lifetime Network

We then visited the designers in the "Under The Gunn" workroom at FIDM to see what they were up to...

  Mentors Survey The Workroom: Nick Verreos, Anya Ayoung-Chee and Mondo Guerra visiting designers Isabelle Donola(top pic) and Stephanie Ohnmacht (bottom pic)--"Under The Gunn" Lifetime Network

Then it was Runway time:

Mentor Judging: (left to right) Tim Gunn, Mondo Guerra, Anya Ayoung-Chee and Nick Verreos--"Under The Gunn" Lifetime Network

Here is my "Nick's Take" on the Episode, and primarily why I chose who I chose and some other "inside dish". First I want to discuss the designers that either I didn't chose (or didn't chose me)...

Asha Daniels: I really liked her unusual folding, draping, twisting that she did for this look but...I just thought it was 2 minutes from looking a little Hoochie-licious. The mini was too mini and the midriff being exposed (I know that's a BIG trend but...). I passed and felt she would thrive with Mondo. I also had a strong inkling that she would pick Mondo anyway (call it a "Woman's Intuition"--me, being the woman LOL!).

Sam Donovan: I LOVED Sam and his design--as well as  his young "cool kid" aesthetic. I really felt that (from looking at the two designers I already had) that he would be a nice addition to my "Nick Team". This look above was so great; modern, chic-sportif; cool girl luxe. Sam reminded me of an up-and-coming designer that all of a sudden has Anna Wintour's "stamp of approval". I had a gut feeling that he would reject me (if Mondo and/or Anya also chose him) based on my experience from the last judging process. But I thought "I'll take a chance and still pick him". Not surprisingly, he didn't pick me. However, it was nice to watch the episode and see that he actually A) knew who I was; and B) had some kind words regarding me, my designs and construction skills. Thank you Sam. 

Nicholas Komor: I really liked Nicholas' portfolio pics. They featured his menswear designs, tailoring and super-cool aesthetic. He also had photos of actual notched collar/lapel patterns which tugged at my Pattern Making Instructor heart. I was both intrigued and confused at the look he made above. It. Was. A T-Shirt/Tunic. And that's it. But, I thought "could he be the next Raf Simons?", and at the same time I wanted him on my team as the "intellectual, elegantly-simple styled" designer in my group. Well, as you know now, he didn't pick me. Oh well. Next...

Isabelle Donola: First of all, I have to say that I had NO IDEA of what was going on with Isabelle in the workroom and how she was having trouble finishing her design and giving model measurement excuses. This, we were NOT privy to. I just thought she was a little bit "kooky" (from visiting her in the FIDM workroom). I LOVED her design above and all the unusual folding and how she mixed the various grains of the fabric in her pattern pieces. I thought of the two designers I had (Oscar and Natalia) and how I wanted a more "avant-garde"/directional designer on my team and Isabelle could be it. This is why I chose her and was happy no one else wanted her.

Amy Sim: I really liked Amy's dress design. When it came to the remaining three designers, this was a very tough choice. When we--the mentors--visited her in the workroom, we advised her to "step it up". I just don't think she did enough. The dress was beautiful and fine, I just thought it was way too safe. I have already seen this dress at (name a department store). I wanted to see a little bit of an "edge". Maybe she was doomed by that fabrication she chose; it looked "After-Five Missy". I really felt bad about not picking Amy because of the fact that she obviously had amazing construction ability and had lovely design skills.

Rey Ortiz: I remember Rey from the "Project Runway/Under The Gunn" Castings in L.A. where I was honored to have been a judge. He was good; he spoke of his love of patterns and his pattern teacher back in Puerto Rico (that got me!). This design above left me a bit confused (as well as the other mentors). I LOVED the pants; they were perfect. And I get the boxy jacket, that's very NOW. But, I think what did Rey in was the fabrication; the teal-colored boucle brought it into "older lady" zone. And then, he added the gold buttons, the sleeve cuff tabs, the gold chain necklace, the sunglasses...It was (as I said) too mucheey.

Stephanie Ohnmacht: The reason I chose Stephanie had a lot to do with this dress: it was super cute! The fact that she used fabric that is normally known for tailoring and jackets, but yet still made a dress was fantastic. I also loved the perfectly fitted bodice and pleated fuller was so now! Her bias-binding was also well done. In addition...when I decided to choose her, I thought of the designers I already had--Oscar, Natalia and now Isabelle: I wanted a quiet, elegant, and feminine yet directional "voice" on my team. Therefore, Stephanie fit the bill. I was happy that she said "Yes!" to me. Knowing her history with Mondo, I also had a feeling that Mondo wasn't about to pick her, and that may be his loss. I liked her designs.

**Finally I wanted to make a comment about the selection process. Much has been said about Producer manipulation and I will have to admit that in blogging about Project Runway in seasons past, I have alluded to my suspicions as well. But, I would like to state, here and now, that in no way were my choices decided, influenced or manipulated by the Producers or Network. I based my decision strictly on the designer's portfolios and the runway garments they made for the challenge. I can honestly say, it was an incredibly difficult decision and I would have been happy to have any of the Top 15 designers on my team! Each and every one of them did amazing work in light of the very stressful 6 hour challenge.**

Here's a link to the the ENTIRE Episode--in case you missed it--and tune in next week for Episode 3, when the Top 12 Designer Face-off in their  head to head first challenge! 


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