Showing posts with label Nick Verreos HP Project Runway Reunion Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nick Verreos HP Project Runway Reunion Party. Show all posts

PROJECT RUNWAY.....Nick Verreos Recap Episode 10: "The Art of Fashion"

Saturday, March 30, 2013

 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, NYC

This week on Lifetime's Season 11 Project Runway, the challenge was to create an Avant Grade piece of  "wearable art" and a companion, more ready-to-wear piece inspired piece, after a visit to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in NYC. The remaining six designers were paired up in boy-girl teams and used the HP Touchsmart Desktop to create a textile/print design.

This was the highly anticipated "HP Intel Challenge". It is always one of the most fab episodes on Project Runway since the designers get to create a print and then--by "magic"!--it arrives the next day.

Back in February, during NYC Fashion Week, I had the pleasure of
attending the HP Project Runway Designer Reunion bash where lots of the
HP prints--designed by Project Runway designers were featured--alongside
the HP and Intel Touchsmart technology.

Now, let's Photo-Discuss this Episode and the Designs:

Stanley Hudson and Michelle Lesniak Franklin--were paired up and from the beginning, they were "the Dream Team", working well together with much cohesiveness, no drama, and a general, let's "make it work" and create something FAB-u-lous attitude.

Layana Aguilar and Daniel Esquivel--CRY-ana--as one of my Tweet peeps @LisaMacNewton coined (LOVE HER!), was all things a mess in last night's episode--whining, crying, mad at not getting her way, bitter about Daniel getting all the praise...I really wanted to say "GURL! Here's a life lesson: you don't ALWAYS get everything mija!"

Patricia Michaels and Richard Hallmarq--Patricia "The Artsy One" of the season was "made" for this challenge and very excited about it. What she wasn't excited about was working with "It's EVERYYYYYTHING" Richard. He, for some reason, was uncooperative and even Tim Gunn suggested and questioned whether Richard was deliberately trying to make their pairing fail.

The Runway:

The Winning Creations--(left) Michelle Lesniak Franklin's design and Stanley Hudson's (right)--they created a "screaming" macabre woman print that worked well with these creations. Michelle's khaki coat with exaggerated train was grand and the addition of the painted bubble wrap, tiered ball gown underneath added the "avant garde" to it. It was a little "arts-&-craft-y" and would have rather seen something more in line with this:

 Alexander McQueen by Sarah Burton Fall 2012 Collection--now, that would have been great!

But Stanley's exaggerated baby doll creation (above)--which won--and rightly so--kind of reminded me of this:

Shalom Harlow getting spray painted by robots in the now-infamous Alexander McQueen Spring/Summer 1999 Collection

Daniel Esquivel--Daniel created the more ready-to-wear ensemble in "Team Layana and Daniel". I liked this look. The jacket was well-executed and the skirt was modern and young. The entire look was very Barneys New York, the "Designer Floor".

Layana Aquilar--This is a MESS. The judges said that it reminded them of a "Period" piece (from the Belle Époque I presume?) gone wrong. They also said it looked as if she "threw in everything AND the kitchen sink". Poor thing looked as if she got caught in a wind tunnel or tornado.

Belle Époque Good

On a good note--I loved the print Daniel and Layana created using the HP Touchsmart Technology--I want this for a rug, pillow or a painting for my house!!

Patricia Michaels--I liked the look Patricia created--when the model came down the runway, I was like "At-a-Girl!". The print was very modern and loved the hand-painted/washed out effect Patricia did. The white veil was a great soft angelic counterpoint to the geometric silhouette. The entire ensemble reminded me of a 15th Century woman I could see being depicted in a Van Eyck painting:

Jan van Eyck's The Arnolfini Marriage (1434)

Richard Hallmarq--I think Richard just lost his supposed "design mojo" after so many stressful weeks on the show. This outfit looked a little like "student work" and had construction issues. On a good note, it had hints of a Mary Quant 60's look to it, but I bet that wasn't even intentional. This was supposed to be ready-to-wear, but FOR THIS DECADE! Poor model is like "Yep, my designer is going home today...for sure!".

And's my Project Runway Blog RECAP for this week:

HP Objets d’art

Art and Fashion. Some people argue that
Fashion is Art; and others, tend to believe the opposite. This week’s
"HP and Avant-Garde" episode was about the combination of both
highlighting the artsy, inspirational and creative elements of making

Sold Out Michelle

In case you didn’t get the "Michelle Is Back memo, our dear Season 11
voice of reason designer Michelle Lesniak Franklin won last week’s Lord
& Taylor Challenge, with the prize being that her dress would be
manufactured and sold at Lord & Taylor. According to the web, her
dress SOLD OUT by 8:45 am the morning following last week’s episode (I
wonder if she got any profits from that!?). I’m excited that Michelle is
no longer "Bad Luck Michelle" but "I Might Win This Entire Show"
Michelle. Her positive design karma continued onto this week’s episode
as well. Speaking of, let’s get to it…

Why Are You Not Smiling???

The remaining six designers are very tired and visibly stressed. I know
exactly how they feel. Been there. Done that. When Heidi Klum opens the
episode with her traditional, "Hellooo," and follows with a, "Why are
you not smiling?" I wanted to shout at the TV and say to her, "Because
they all hate each other, have had three hours of sleep and…THEY. ARE.

Guggenheim Fab

After Heidi’s niceties, the designers meet Tim Gunn at the Guggenheim
Museum where he is to announce their next challenge. But before that,
the producers, I mean judges, would like to "re-work" the teams. The
designers are paired up in boy-girl fashion: Stanley with Michelle;
Patricia and Richard, and Layana with Daniel. Once that’s done, Gunn
tells the designers that this is the HP Intel Challenge: to create a
piece of wearable art...

Click HERE to read the rest of my RECAP 

PROJECT RUNWAY.....HP Project Runway Designer Reunion Party 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

Alumni Bash:

Blue Carpet: Nick Verreos--Project Runway HP Designer Reunion NY Fashion Week Party, Skylight West

A couple of weekends back--during my time at New York Fashion Week--the day after attending the Project Runway Season 11 Finale Fashion Show at Lincoln Center, I got invited to attend a FAB & FUN bash: The Project Runway HP Designer Reunion Party! Friday, the day the NYC BLIZZARD hit, was the day of the PR fashion show but thank goodness the party was the following night.

The blizzard had passed but all that remained was a bunch of slushy nasty muddy snow on the streets (not good for my YSL Johnny Boots my dear!). But no nasty muddy snow could keep my NIKOLAKI partner, David Paul and I away from A PARTY!

The HP blue "Welcome to the Party" gown greeting everyone at the end of the "blue carpet"--Project Runway HP Designer Reunion NY Fashion Week Party, Skylight West

When we walked in to the Skylight West space, checked our coats, and quickly made it up an elevator which opened up to a fab fashion party atmosphere with a blue carpet and step-and-repeat where guests got to have their "red carpet moment". In the very expansive space, the room was filled with several open bars positioned throughout the party. They were serving Champagne, regular cocktails as well as "specialty drinks" such as the "Tim Gunn Vodka Martini" (my personal fave!). Being that it was a Fashion Party, there were models positioned in different areas showing prints made by Project Runway designers using the HP/intel technology (as seen on the show). I wish they had those back in my Season but oh well...we missed out back in...never-mind! Here are some pics of the models and their HP prints:

Printed Statuesque Goddess: the STUNNING Aminat Ayinde--Emilio Sosa's model on All Stars Season 2 (I am OBSESSED with her!). She was modeling Emilio's printed HP design separates--an off the shoulder corset top and cropped skinny pants. Fun Fact: the Lagos, Nigeria 5' 11" beauty was on Cycle 12 of America's Next Top Model in 2009 and almost won...she came in third.

 HP Intel Project Runway prints on walls and models--Project Runway HP Designer Reunion NY Fashion Week Party, Skylight West

Naturally, being that it was a Project Runway Designer Reunion Party, there were LOTS of  Project Runway designers. All (I think!) of this current season's (Season 11) designers/contestants were there. I had not met most of them so it was nice to say "Hi". Now, here's the interesting part: since this party was held A DAY after the Finale Runway Show, the Winner of the season had already been "crowned" (the night before), so amongst them was the Winner. Now, I have a hunch of who the Winner is of this season, but...they sure weren't giving me any clues. Everyone looked very happy to be there--save for a couple who had already been eliminated on "TV time" and well, they were just enjoying the booze and hors d'oeuvres being passed around...Here are some photos I got with some of this current season's designers:

Bow Tie Brothers: Season 11 designer Benjamin Mach and Nick Verreos--Project Runway HP Designer Reunion NY Fashion Week Party, Skylight West

Cocktail Time: Nick Verreos with Season 11 designer Cindy Marlatt--Project Runway HP Designer Reunion NY Fashion Week Party, Skylight West

Dandy Fab: Nick Verreos with Season 11 designer Daniel Esquivel (right), and his sister--Project Runway HP Designer Reunion NY Fashion Week Party, Skylight West

 Group Shot: Nick Verreos with Season 11 designers (left to right) Matthew Arthur, Michelle Lesniak Franklin, Stanley Hudson and Benjamin Mach--Project Runway HP Designer Reunion NY Fashion Week Party, Skylight West

South American Power: Nick Verreos with Season 11 designer Layana Aguilar--Project Runway HP Designer Reunion NY Fashion Week Party, Skylight West

Native American Mommy: Nick Verreos with Season 11 designer Patricia Michaels--Project Runway HP Designer Reunion NY Fashion Week Party, Skylight West

I also got some photos with some "Past" Project Runway Alumn:

Nick Verreos with Season 7 and All Stars Season 2 designer (and Tony-nominated Costume Designer!) Emilio Sosa--Project Runway HP Designer Reunion NY Fashion Week Party, Skylight West

Nick Verreos with Season 10 designers Lantie Foster and Alicia Hardesty--Project Runway HP Designer Reunion NY Fashion Week Party, Skylight West

My Finale Fashion Show Seat Buddies: Nick Verreos with Season 10 Finalists Fabio Costa and Melissa Fleis--Project Runway HP Designer Reunion NY Fashion Week Party, Skylight West

Our Florence Italy Girlfriend: Nick Verreos and David Paul with Season 6 and All Stars Season 2 designer Althea Harper--Project Runway HP Designer Reunion NY Fashion Week Party, Skylight West

My Season 2 Wife: Nick Verreos with Season 2 and All Stars Season 1 designer Kara Janx--Project Runway HP Designer Reunion NY Fashion Week Party, Skylight West

Blogging Project Runway Love: Nick Verreos with Blogging Project Runway "Mommy" Laura Kluvo--Project Runway HP Designer Reunion NY Fashion Week Party, Skylight West

It was a great party and David and I had a lot of fun taking photos, mingling, enjoying the cocktails, the HP Intel printed models, and getting to meet all this season's designers and especially getting to see some of the "old ones" like the Love of my Season 2 Life, Miss Kara Janx...Thanks HP Intel and Project Runway for inviting me, I had a BLAST! Until next season and next New York Fashion Week!


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